Ventilated Fire Barriers - TENMAT

TENMAT offers Ventilated Fire Barriers suitable for a wide range of cavity sizes and constructions. Modern constructions often require external cladding, external facades and rainscreen systems to be held away from the building structure to allow ventilation and improve the building energy efficiency.

This resulting cavity creates a serious fire protection threat to structures and people. The void acts like an open chimney and allows the fire to spread quickly both vertically and horizontally around the building. TENMAT’s range of Intumescent Ventilated Fire Barriers or ‘Open State’ Cavity Fire Barriers are designed to maintain the ventilated cavity in normal conditions but will rapidly expand to seal off the gap in the event of a fire.

Tenmat do not use “desk top studies” to approve products, instead we use an extensive range of “Primary test evidence” and formal assessments from approved test bodies.


To suit from 50mm up to 500mm cavities


To suit up to 50mm cavities

FF102-50 - TENMAT

To suit up to 25mm cavities

FF102-25 -TENMAT

To suit up to 125mm cavities (max. 30 min. fire rating)

FF109-125 - TENMAT
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